Friday, August 31, 2012

Cancel Family Guy?

Have you watched Family in recent years? Have you seen just how painfully awfully the show has become? It took The Simpsons like 15 years to get unbearable stale, and yet Id argue the last season of the Simpsons is better than the last season of Family Guy. So what happened to Family Guy? It used to be so fresh, so hilarious, so entertaining. Then they got a new budget, made production faster and the comedy took a hit (Remember Spongebob after the new production?). Its as if Seth Mcwhateverhisnameis just stopped caring. They've slaughtered the characters development and just thrown in the towel completely with Stewie and Brian. I think its time this show go, and it can take the Cleveland Show with it. I wonder if Seth has anything to do with American Dad as it has only got better since seasons three.

I know the target audience for Family Guy is probably 12 year old boys with an under-appreciated sense of humor, but wow. I feel like I've seen there gags on school buses; elementary! At some point every show dries up, but this is starting to feel like that last season of Roseanne or My Name Is Earl, when it was clear everyone involved didn't know or didn't care what the fuck was going on just winged it; to embarrassing results. Just kill it off already.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Is Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire underrated?

Honestly, probably not, but looking back Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire where kind of awesome. They did add the weather element into the mix, and added deep sea diving which I honestly thought the was cool. Not to mention the ever illusive Mirage Island. But then again, there was the shitty Pokemon Contest things, which were shitty replacements for gold and silvers fishing and bug catching contests. Double battles were nice, added a interesting new dynamic tot he game. And if I recalled it also introduced Pokemon effects, like certain Pokemons ability to levitate, which protected them from ground-based attacks like Earthquake.

To answer the question, no its not underrated.

It deserves to be at the bottom of the bucket, not cause it was a completely awful game, but because it followed Gold & Silver and honestly just left so many of the amazing things those games had to over behind. Daytime and Night time were left behind, the better contests and the fast environments of Johto and Kento. Hoenn may be the worst region of all, it feels so tiny in comparison to Gold and Silver, Diamond and Pearl

Now lets all take a bow to the infinitely flawless, Pokemon Gold and Silver. The best Pokemon game that was ever created.

WTF Happened To Mo'Nique

Picture it, its 1999, Monique had just broken into TV on the little sought network UPN, with The Parkers. The show would remain on the air for some six years and gave UPN some of its most devoted fans, and best ratings. After the show ended Monique went on to host the BET awards several times, stared in the cult-movie Soul Plane, her very own movie Phat Girls, as well as Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins. Still, Mo'Nique had yet to truly make it big, she wasn't quite  a household name to the mainstream and her movie roles were less than stellar, but that would all change in 2009.

Enter Precious 

The role of a life time came. Mo'Nique had been cast in a movie with an already strong cast, script and director, called Precious and by the time the movie had been shown to audiences it was being critically acclaimed; and the best kind of buzz followed, Oscar buzz. All the buzz would prove to be more than just hype when in 2010, at the 82nd annul Academy Awards Mo'Nique won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress; a career changer. Or not. In 2011, after just two seasons her late-night tv show was cancelled. What seemed like a promising start in a man dominated genre of television, failed. Her and Chelsea Handler with her Chelsea Lately late-night talk show, were taking on the boys; but seems only Chelsea was a formidable foe.

Since Precious Mo'Nique hasn't appeared in a single movie, stared in another TV show, or gotten any major endorsements. Shes disappeared. When Jamie Fox won his Oscar in 2004 his career Sky rocketed to the A-List, smash hit movies, number one albums, the works. So why did Mo'Nique quietly fade away. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for that, but its kind of perplexing to have not seen much of a newly crowned Academy Award winner pop in a movie or three post victory.

WTF happened to her?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back in 2012

back with a vengence for 2012 stay tuned

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Overrated Tablet Craze & Why Its Just Not Worth It

Since Apple introduced the iPad, the tablet craze as really taken off the media loves em, people want em their a runaway hit. Now everyone and their mother is jumping on the craze and making tablet computers.

The problem with these devices is that they cost more than a moderately decent laptop staked with features and have half of the power, they guzzle energy and their outdated within 12 months of release. Another issue is with the company’s taking simple features like copying and pasting and withholding them for a big firmware update so everyone gets excited about a feature even the Nokia N-Gage could do.