Saturday, April 24, 2010

Schools, what needs to change

The education system is terribly flawed right now, to be blunt there failing us literally and figuratively for so many reasons.

The Teachers:
Here's alittle story, up until 5th grade I could not read or spell worth sh*t and I was a smige of a wild child enough-so that they gave my mother an ultimatum either I would only go to school for about 2 hours a day at around noon OR be transferred to another school. My mother could not do the shorten days do to her work schedule and only other option than transferring me to a further away school was for me to be kicked out entirely, so she chose to send me to Amanda. My life took a serious turn once I reached there, suddenly being around teachers who took their job seriously and gave me direction between 4th and 5th grade at Amanda I was up to where I needed to be.

The Lesson here is when your with teachers that don't give a fuck about their duties then were going to have people just flailing threw the system. When I was in 8th grade I remember a student in one of my classes could not read and besides spelling his own name that was pretty much it, I was shocked and upset on exactly how someone without even the basic curriculum from elementary school could have made it all the way to the 8th grade without being about to read or write.

The Curriculum:
Some of the things being taught are so dated and honestly serve no value Algebra for instance is one of the most baffling subjects do-to the fact that once your out of school the things you learned from this subject almost 'never' come into use. Certain subjects should be bumped up and become either 'optional' high school classes or college coarse such as 'War' however we do need to learn more about current events and politics there are certain things that people just expect us to auto-magically(got that from a car insurance commercial) know.

When we hit 18 they just expect us to do our part and vote but in school your not taught enough about the political parties to grow your own standing that hasn't been pre-programmed into you by family or social moral or demoralization via media or whatever, your just thrown into the fray. Its high time we learn things we can truly benefit from and history that isn't so far before our time its irrelevant.

The Environment:
Schools have turned into social clubs, he said she said and red carpet runways. Overall I'm against uniforms but I think there should be a stricter dress code, cell phone usage should not even be an issue but it is their should be harsher circumstances from being caught threw-out the day with one their another senseless distraction that can clearly wait till the end of the school day, being caught smoking, drinking or doing any other illegal things should be dealt with the harshest of the schools abilities on the tv shows and movies these incidents are downplayed unbelievably but the reality is by letting them off easy time and time again were basically condoning them doing it int he first place.

Balanced Discipline:
One of the problems I noticed in my last year of high school were how unbalanced disciplinary action was handled, we had the Principle who was much to light on offenders and the assistant Principle who was basically impossible to deal with. I seen some crazy things go on(and not just with the students) that year with either extreme or non-existent repercussions. Fair and completely appropriate is what needs to be played out.

Pay the damn teachers what they deserve they are over worked and underpaid and that unfortunately goes to both the bad and the good ones, I can see how it could effect ones ability todo their job effectively & enjoyably if they are not paid appropriately.

To bring it all to a close we need better teachers, teachers who enjoy their job sonority shouldn't mean shit if the teacher sucks at hes/her job and can be replaced with someone who can actually make a difference, the schools themselves need to cater most to the education itself without allowing all outside superficiality to be apart of their school structure things that have no business being in the school have no business being in the school and the students need to learn whats relevant to their time surroundings and events.


(Shout out to Ms. Miller, Mrs. Case, Mrs. Mason, Ms. Withraw, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Stanger, Mrs Stevens. Mrs Gould & Mrs Van Gordon there all fantastic teachers!)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Movie Weekend

Its Friday which means there's new movies released nationwide and there are two top contenders to be this weekends box office King.

The Losers: Five members of an elite United States Special Forces team are sent into the Bolivian jungle. The team find themselves the target of a betrayal instigated from inside by a powerful enemy known only as Max. Believed to be dead, the group makes plans to even the score when they're joined by the mysterious Aisha, a beautiful operative with her own agenda.

The Back-up Plan: After years of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) has decided waiting for the right one is taking too long. Determined to become a mother, she commits to a plan, makes an appointment and decides to do it alone. That same day, Zoe meets Stan (Alex O'Loughlin) - a man with real possibilities. Trying to nurture a budding relationship and hiding the early signs of pregnancy becomes a comedy of errors for Zoe and creates confusing signals for Stan.

The Losers is sure to win the crown this weekend plus duh' the lovely Zoe is in it, sorry J LO but The Back-up Plan doesn't look like your big comeback to me. Guess we'll see Monday how it all plays out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rihanna's domination ends

In a surprise twist this week Rihanna is taken down from the #1 spot this week as her song 'Rude Boy' gets bumped to #2, replacing her is rising rapper B.O.B's Semi-catchy single "Nothin' on you".

As expected Adam Lamberts single "Whataya Want from Me" bolts 23-10 the Idol runner-ups first top ten single and the highest charting single from any contestant from season 8 of American Idol including the winnder. Jason Derulo's "In My Head" decends while 5-6 this week while Lady GaGas Telephone remains at #7 for a second week in a row.

Keeping an eye out for Christina Aguilera's new smash "Not Myself Tonight" next week as it sure to make some interesting moves.

List of Entire Top 100

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Glee continues to soar!

The super jam packed madonna themed episode of Glee brung in 13.5 million viewers the episode was such a big success that the show may actually be doing a Madonna themed sequel!

Mediocrity continues to excel, Bier still #1

For yet another week Justin Bieber has outsold the competition to have the best selling album having sold 92k copies of 'My World 2.0' outselling the infinitely more talented new york band MGMT who's new album 'Congratulations' debuts at #2 with 66k copies sold.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

American Idol What went wrong?

For the first time in 5 seasons I have been watching American Idol, since the auditions. Every episode leading up to their Hollywood-Week was reeked with the tag-lines claiming that they've found the best constants ever the "most talented cast in Idol history". By the time Hollywood week was over only a couple people actually stood out This was the talk of the town Andrew Garcia's take on Paula Abdul's Number One hit Straight Up, but the flare could not last and Andys originality vanished.

Never in my opinion has their ever been such a lackluster top 20-10, Its unfortunate while ideally there all talented in their own way they with the Exception of only three Todrick Hall who was voted off earlier on, super talented Michael Lynche and super nova Crystal Bowersox.

Crystal & Mike have been the clear standouts since the show went live and have yet to disappoint. Meanwhile the craptastic Tim Urban (this years sanjaya) continues to remain in the competition its terrible considering everyone on the show to date has had more talent then him and he wasn't even suppose to be their he got in by technicality its, there was so many other talent contestants to replace the guy that got the boot and yet Tim was the choice.

Tim's entrance into the competition seems political, they're looking for buzz, controversial and little tweeners ready to vote for the prettiest face they can find which thus brings in a smige more viewers and for the most part its working the buzz about tim staying has been a mainstay in blogosphere as more and more people are sent packing while he stays. Just a few weeks ago Michael Lynche found himself with the lowest votes and if not for the judges veto he'd be gone the following week he was one of the most voted once again. The issue continues the remain the best male contestant almost went home its terrifying that in some rubbish outcome someone like Crystal or mike could lose the competition to such mediocrity.

Whats wrong with show is their spending too much time trying to develop back-story during auditions looking for character as opposed to talent, not to mention the ridiculous antics of the judges panel and that cringe worthy Ryan. This is Simon Cowells last season on American Idol and after having to endure the bullshit that's been going on this season I'm sure he wont be looking back.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quote Of The Day

"Apple's iPad could revolutionize video games" Mike Snider, USA

LOL yeah right I get it the iphone, ipod touches have had considerable success with game sales lately, however their spread across the Millions of apps and games. I own an iPod Touch (and actually plan to buy an iPad) which in terms of games has all the capabilities of its big brother iPhone and while I have been modestly impressed with some of the games its just impossible to take the platform seriously without dedicated buttons playing a game on an entirely flat surface is clumsy confusing and abit aggravating if you have fat/chunky fingers or if you like being able to see what your doing.

Real Problem is control, and alot of the games are ripoffs of other popular games, Id guess if there are 500,000 games in the app store 200,000 of those are rip offs of another game another 200,000 carbon copies of some other game already in the app store and about 100,000 are completely original for the i-Phone/pod/pad while some of the original games are pretty jazzy spending 300-400-500$ for unique 5-10$ game that doesn't take a wild scientist to understand is abit much.

As expected Kick-Ass is #1

As expected, Comic-book turned movie with unknown lead star tops the Box Office this weekend making 19million but just barely beating out How to Train Your Dragon which also made 19million. Seems disappointing the hype around the movie was intense I was sure the movie would crack a high 50million low 30million debut its far from the blockbuster it was painted to be.

Death at a Funeral made a modest opening at #4 with over 16million, the other two movies released last weekend werent as lucky as The Perfect Game and The Joneses debut at #17 & 18 with just over 500k each, both films appealed to two totally different audiences but the numbers lead one to think they left one and went to see the other immediately after.

1. "Kick-Ass," Lionsgate, $19,828,687, 3,065 locations, $6,469 average, $19,828,687, one week.

2. "How to Train Your Dragon," Paramount-DreamWorks Animation, $19,633,320, 3,825 locations, $5,133 average, $158,251,066, four weeks.

3. "Date Night," Fox, $16,720,038, 3,380 locations, $4,947 average, $48,666,799, two weeks.

4. "Death at a Funeral," Sony Screen Gems, $16,217,540, 2,459 locations, $6,595 average, $16,217,540, one week.

5. "Clash of the Titans," Warner Bros., $15,385,491, 3,753 locations, $4,100 average, $132,600,220, three weeks.

6. "The Last Song," Disney, $5,962,916, 2,767 locations, $2,155 average, $50,187,855, three weeks.

7. " Tyler Perry 's Why Did I Get Married Too?", Lionsgate, $4,098,898, 1,859 locations, $2,205 average, $54,801,812, three weeks.

8. "Alice in Wonderland ," Disney, $3,656,442, 2,024 locations, $1,807 average, $324,131,301, seven weeks.

9. "Hot Tub Time Machine," MGM, $3,490,471, 2,308 locations, $1,512 average, $42,449,935, four weeks.

10. "The Bounty Hunter ," Sony, $3,084,020, 2,475 locations, $1,246 average, $60,261,888, five weeks.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Take a Moment

I think its very important that at some point people just take a moment, a few minutes however long just to reflect or to take everything in process all the unconnected links in your brain, just relax. Today was a nice beautiful day abit chilly, not a cloud in sight but perfect day to sit back and reflect.

Evil Clown Hitman?

Hired by parents for unsuspecting birthday horror!

Posting notes warning children that their being watched, warning them that they will be attacked so the child feels more and more like their being pursued.

‘The clown’s one and only aim is to smash a cake into the face of his victim, when they least expect it, during the course of seven days....

If the boy or girl manages to avoid the ‘hit’, they are given the cake as a birthday present. Well, that’s alright then.
This honestly sounds like a recipe for disaster I cant imagine some parents sitting around and thinking "hmm, perhaps having my kid potentially fearing for his or her life would be a good birthday adventure". That's insane! Luckily this crazy fad hasn't made it to the states yet, this is going on in the UK

Full Story here

Friday, April 16, 2010

Quote Of the Day

"Because no other network understands African American Stereotypes consumers as deeply as BET does, our insights and comprehensive brand solutions help our advertisers hyper-target the consumers they want the most." Jackass and grossly out of touch Louis Carr, President of Broadcast Media Sales, BET Networks on the Research and New programming for 2010.

Could this channel be anymore ridiculous at this point, home to such hot-mess gems as "Tiny and Toya", "Frankie & Neffe" and home-stays for such crap films like Soul Plane and Whos Your Caddy.

What a joke.

Crystal Bowersoxn almost left American Idol!

Good thing she stayed the show needs her this year, she is top contender to win the entire show along with big mike if those two somehow don't make it to the end the show as a whole is just crap, crap, crap!

Two weeks ago, following an airing of "Idol," Bowersox had decided the show was too much of an emotional drain and that she missed her young son. Seacrest found Bowersox in the parking lot and got her to reconsider.

As much as I hate that Seacrest I'm very thankful he got her so stay.

Full Story Here

Kevin James in All-Star Summer Movie

Super Awesome funny man Kevin James of King of Queens & Mall Cop fame is set to return to the big screen with an all-star lineup including Adam Sandler, Chris Rock and David Spade.

Movie Weekend

Its Friday which means theres new movies released nationwide and there are two top contenders to be this weekends box office King.

Kick-Ass: The film tells the story of teenage Dave Lizewski who sets out to become a real life superhero only to get caught up in a bigger fight. He meets Big Daddy, a former cop who, in his quest to bring down an evil drug lord Frank D'Amico, has trained his eleven-year-old daughter to be the ruthless vigilante Hit-Girl.

Death at a Funeral: When Aaron and Ryan's father passes away, their family and friends join them at their father's funeral resulting in a series of comedic and unfortunate events. They soon find out that their father was living a double life as a gay man. The plot thickens when the father's gay partner shows up. This movie also stars the super talented uber sexy Zoe Saldana Hollywoods newest "It" girl.

While Kick-Ass is sure to win the crown this weekend Death at a Funeral should be checked out it also has a all-star cast including Martin Lawrence and Chris Rock.

Also releasing this week

The Perfect Game

The Joneses.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rihanna Continues to dominate

She might be not able to sell an album she might not even be able to sell out a tour or half for that matter, but she can sure make hit song as her single "Rude Boy" remains the #1 song in America for a 5th consecutive week making it her 6th #1 song to date.

The song will likely be number one for atleast a few more weeks as I see no true contenders to dethrone her since Lady GaGa's "Telephone" hasn't lived up to the hype making Lady GaGas second hugely discussed and hugely promoted song "not" to make it to number one as her last single Bad Romance (which music video is now the all-time most viewed video on youtube) only peaked at #2. Telephone is currently #7 and has peaked at #3.

Keeping an eye out on Jason Derulo's In My Head and Adam Lambert's "Whatya Want From me" next week as there sure to make some interesting moves .

Quote of The Day

"No matter how you look at it, cataloging people—any kind of people—based on statistical predictive software, and then taking pre-empetive actions against them based on the results, is the wrong way to improve our society" -Jesus Diaz of

My sentiments exactly.

"Fireball" shoots threw sky

Authorities in several Midwestern states were flooded Wednesday night with reports of a gigantic fireball lighting up the sky, the National Weather Service said.

The fireball was visible for about 15 minutes beginning about 10 p.m., said the National Weather Service in Sullivan, Wisconsin, just west of Milwaukee.

"The fireball was seen over the northern sky, moving from west to east," said the NWS in the Quad Cities area, which includes parts of Iowa and Illinois.

"There has been no official determination as to what caused the fireball, the NWS in Sullivan said."

How is this even possible? How in this age can we not know whats going on with a giant fireball shooting over the sky (as someone commented on CNN's website) "with our satellites, cameras, radar, SETI, NASA, Meteorologist and endless amounts of galaxy gazers."

This is super suspicious one of the undetermined explanations being tossed around is a recent/current meteor shower going on, this makes no sense to me since scientists are always saying how meteors always seem to just miss us and then one passes right over us and judging by the video at pretty close range how suspicious is that? Check out the video and click here for the full story.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Drama in the Gaming world

On March 1, 2010, Activision amended its report with the Securities and Exchange Commission to add notification that two senior employees of Infinity Ward were being fired due to "breaches of contract and insubordination". This coincided with Jason West (Infinity Ward president, game director, co-CCO, and CTO) and Vince Zampella (CEO and co-founder of Infinity Ward) editing their profiles on the website LinkedIn to list Infinity Ward as a former employer as of March 2010. Reportedly, a meeting between Zampella, West, and Activision staff occurred on March 1, after which neither Zampella nor West were seen; this was followed by the arrival of security guards at the studio. It was later confirmed by Activision that West and Zampella had been dismissed, and had been replaced on an interim basis by Activision CTO Steve Pearce and head of production Steve Ackrich.

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick addressed Infinity Ward studio heads on March 2, 2010 about Zampella and West's dismissal. A second meeting was held with all of Infinity Ward's employees on hand. The outcomes of those meetings are currently unknown, but Activision have explained that Infinity Ward are still "central" to the future of the Call of Duty franchise. Activision has created a new studio, Sledgehammer Games, to create an "action-adventure" installment of the Call of Duty franchise. As of March 3, 2010, Activision maintains that Infinity Ward is still the central pillar of their Call of Duty franchise and this new studio is merely an extension of the franchise.

Following the initial news of West and Zampella's departure, it was reported that Infinity Ward has not received royalties from the sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and that the developer may have breached their contract with Activision by holding meetings with other video game publishers including Electronic Arts. This was revealed to be the reason behind the firings when West and Zampella filed a lawsuit against Activision on March 4, 2010 over "substantial royalty payments" that Activision failed to pay them in the weeks leading up to their firing. According to their attorney Robert Schwartz, Activision had hired lawyers to investigate West and Zampella on charges of insubordination and breaches of contract in February, which culminated in their dismissal. West and Zampella's lawsuit was filed to force Activision to compensate West and Zampella for the unpaid royalties, and to secure contractual rights over the Modern Warfare branch of the Call of Duty franchise, among other things. If their lawsuit is successful, West and Zampella could retain the power to halt the development and release of any future games and downloadable content in the Modern Warfare setting.

On April 9, 2010 a countersuit was filed by Activision stating their actions in firing Zampella and West were justified, calling the two "self-serving schemers. Zampella and West's attorney responded to the countersuit the same day saying the publisher's claims are "false and outrageous".

A case management conference for West And Zampella v. Activision is scheduled for June 21, 2010.

In April, several other Infinity Ward employees resigned and left the studio. The Linkedin profiles of both Lead Designer Todd Alderman and Lead Software Engineer Francesco Gilgiotti indicated that the two had left the company earlier that month. The following week, seven more employees announced they had also resigned, including programmer Jon Shiring, Senior Animator Bruce Ferriz, Modern Warfare 2 Lead Designer Mackey McCandlish, Lead Designer Steve Fukuda, Lead Designer Zied Reike, programmer Rayme Vinson, and lead artist Chris Cherubini. All have declined to elaborate on the reasons for their departure from the studio.

Respawn Entertainment

On April 12, 2010 the LA Times reported West and Zampella forming a brand new independent gaming studio known as Respawn Entertainment. They are seeking funding from EA through the EA Partners Program, they did say that they will have the rights to all Intellectual property produced by them in the future.

Stay tuned...

Oh snap

Better set your twitter updates to private y'all Google will soon index everything you post publicly on twitter.

" if you have a habit pronouncing your seedier weekend exploits to the world, understand your entire history will soon be up for examination. "

Justin Bieber back @ #1

Why America why? Justin Bieber's uber cheesy "My World 2.0" returns to the top of the charts selling 102,000 copies debunking last weeks chart topper Usher who falls to number two.

Its all about the image, kid doesn't even sound good he has no vocal ability at all I just don't see it atleast the Jonas Brothers had semi-decent voices. This guy is the pinnacle of average.

Glee is back and in full swing!

It nearly doubled its audience on its return to television after a four-month break, bringing in 13.7 million viewers.

And if that wasn't enough next weeks episode is sure to bring those viewers back as Jane Lynch's character Sue Sylvester channels her inner Pop Diva Madonna!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quote of The Day

"Aw man, that’s not even any competition,” Akon tells Vibe. “You are actually giving Christina too much credit. She always had her cool little look and way about how she went about things. But soon as Gaga came out everything switched up. Christina stepped out of her own shell to become something different. And the crazy thing is Christina is really talented. She has unlimited range when it comes to singing. Her voice is out of here. I just think she just needs to believe in herself more. I think sometimes she gets insecure because of all of the success Gaga has had not realizing that she was already successful before Gaga came out."

What????? What????? What????? This is ridiculous lets be real here and face the facts Xtina has been doing the "crazy hair and outfits" thing since she first broke out just Google "Christina Aguilera Vma" and long before GaGa came into the scene Xtina switched her look to the snow-white blond hair and bright red lipstick. The very comparison of these two grinds my gears GaGa has only proved shes all looks no substance, and I actually like her music but in the long run once we all get tired of train-wreck wigs and glittery leotards whats next? Has anyone else noticed shes showing alot more face since her nose took a very not-so subtle reduction otherwise known as "fixing a deviated septum" in Hollywood. Furthermore GaGa has a very forward Christina Aguilera sound just listen to the song Teeth which sounds like a Back To Basics filler

The Final countdown

Friday my-self reinvention kicks off with a bonafide diet and exercise regimen. Get back