Tuesday, April 20, 2010

American Idol What went wrong?

For the first time in 5 seasons I have been watching American Idol, since the auditions. Every episode leading up to their Hollywood-Week was reeked with the tag-lines claiming that they've found the best constants ever the "most talented cast in Idol history". By the time Hollywood week was over only a couple people actually stood out This was the talk of the town Andrew Garcia's take on Paula Abdul's Number One hit Straight Up, but the flare could not last and Andys originality vanished.

Never in my opinion has their ever been such a lackluster top 20-10, Its unfortunate while ideally there all talented in their own way they with the Exception of only three Todrick Hall who was voted off earlier on, super talented Michael Lynche and super nova Crystal Bowersox.

Crystal & Mike have been the clear standouts since the show went live and have yet to disappoint. Meanwhile the craptastic Tim Urban (this years sanjaya) continues to remain in the competition its terrible considering everyone on the show to date has had more talent then him and he wasn't even suppose to be their he got in by technicality its, there was so many other talent contestants to replace the guy that got the boot and yet Tim was the choice.

Tim's entrance into the competition seems political, they're looking for buzz, controversial and little tweeners ready to vote for the prettiest face they can find which thus brings in a smige more viewers and for the most part its working the buzz about tim staying has been a mainstay in blogosphere as more and more people are sent packing while he stays. Just a few weeks ago Michael Lynche found himself with the lowest votes and if not for the judges veto he'd be gone the following week he was one of the most voted once again. The issue continues the remain the best male contestant almost went home its terrifying that in some rubbish outcome someone like Crystal or mike could lose the competition to such mediocrity.

Whats wrong with show is their spending too much time trying to develop back-story during auditions looking for character as opposed to talent, not to mention the ridiculous antics of the judges panel and that cringe worthy Ryan. This is Simon Cowells last season on American Idol and after having to endure the bullshit that's been going on this season I'm sure he wont be looking back.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I must admit that i've liked casey james and lee deewyze from the start and hope one wins. In a perfect world id have lee b first and casey be second. Aaron is good just dont see him having a very good career. The others are good but just dont stand out as much for me.