Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Did You Know?

BP told three workers from the oil services firm Schlumberger they could go home without doing a key test of the sturdiness of the cement in the hole, something that would have taken several hours; they left the rig 11 hours before the well blew up resulting in the massive 36 day & ongoing oil spill in gulf of Mexico.

Starting Tuesday, Wal- Mart is knocking the price of the 16 G-byte iPhone 3GS to its lowest price offer yet: $97. That's a savings of $100 when purchased new with a two-year contract!

April 2010 retail video game sales plummeted 11 points in year-on-year numbers. According to NPD Group analyst Anita Frazier, April was the industry's worst year-on-year decline since July 2009 and the fourth worst in year-on-year percent declines since September 2000.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Subliminal Messaging in todays Music?

So lately alot of heavy hitting musician have been releasing some very interesting music videos, which most of the time tell little or no story about the song its suppose to represent. The topic at hand is the dark nature of these videos strang symbolism's, mannerisms and almost demonic fashion statement overflow in these videos

Monday, May 10, 2010

Vampire Inspired Babies yay!

I think this is proof that teen pregnancy is out of control! Lol

Twitter; Hacked, Explodes & reforms in one swoop

Today do to a post from one of my favorite blogsites Gizmodo about a vulnerability in the twitter system Twitter crashed out kinda. The semi-hack which really wasn't a hack at all just some key commands in the message bar allowed people to Force people that their following to follow them back for example; maybe you were following someone like P Diddy obviously he likely isn't going to follow you back but thanks to to a trick you could force him to!

Well once this information hit the masses twitter almost immediately went to work but unfortunately destroying everyones following, followers counter setting them to 0. Needless to say the Twitter-verse went into panic mode but just as soon as the apocalypse had started it was over and twitter patched the hack up and all counts were restored however, those who were able to force people to follow them are still in abit of luck as twitter did not reset those forced-followed therefor until those people realize their following someone they didn't follow deliberately their in the clear.