Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Did You Know?

BP told three workers from the oil services firm Schlumberger they could go home without doing a key test of the sturdiness of the cement in the hole, something that would have taken several hours; they left the rig 11 hours before the well blew up resulting in the massive 36 day & ongoing oil spill in gulf of Mexico.

Starting Tuesday, Wal- Mart is knocking the price of the 16 G-byte iPhone 3GS to its lowest price offer yet: $97. That's a savings of $100 when purchased new with a two-year contract!

April 2010 retail video game sales plummeted 11 points in year-on-year numbers. According to NPD Group analyst Anita Frazier, April was the industry's worst year-on-year decline since July 2009 and the fourth worst in year-on-year percent declines since September 2000.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the BP oil stuff just sickens me. it is affecting my city tremendously. very sad situation.