Monday, May 10, 2010

Twitter; Hacked, Explodes & reforms in one swoop

Today do to a post from one of my favorite blogsites Gizmodo about a vulnerability in the twitter system Twitter crashed out kinda. The semi-hack which really wasn't a hack at all just some key commands in the message bar allowed people to Force people that their following to follow them back for example; maybe you were following someone like P Diddy obviously he likely isn't going to follow you back but thanks to to a trick you could force him to!

Well once this information hit the masses twitter almost immediately went to work but unfortunately destroying everyones following, followers counter setting them to 0. Needless to say the Twitter-verse went into panic mode but just as soon as the apocalypse had started it was over and twitter patched the hack up and all counts were restored however, those who were able to force people to follow them are still in abit of luck as twitter did not reset those forced-followed therefor until those people realize their following someone they didn't follow deliberately their in the clear.

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