Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A legit New Years Resolution

By Brandon Hall

Its hard to believe that 2010 ever happened, in just days its over. It definitely holds the title for shortest and weirdest year ever, I honestly cant remember much good happening this year, but in a world that is attracted more to negative news than positive that isn't so hard to believe.

So for 2011 Ive decided not to allow all the negative things in the world to effect me, I'm done watching the news, period, I'm axing a ton of my regularly visited websites in favor of surrounding myself with positive things, people & energy. Other peoples problems will no longer have an effect on me. I'm getting into shape (I mean it this time) eating and being healthy psychically, mentally and emotionally. I'm not just looking forward to having a good year in 2011, I'm looking to have a good life in 2011 & beyond.

Soap Opera says you've got "One life to live".

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