Saturday, April 24, 2010

Schools, what needs to change

The education system is terribly flawed right now, to be blunt there failing us literally and figuratively for so many reasons.

The Teachers:
Here's alittle story, up until 5th grade I could not read or spell worth sh*t and I was a smige of a wild child enough-so that they gave my mother an ultimatum either I would only go to school for about 2 hours a day at around noon OR be transferred to another school. My mother could not do the shorten days do to her work schedule and only other option than transferring me to a further away school was for me to be kicked out entirely, so she chose to send me to Amanda. My life took a serious turn once I reached there, suddenly being around teachers who took their job seriously and gave me direction between 4th and 5th grade at Amanda I was up to where I needed to be.

The Lesson here is when your with teachers that don't give a fuck about their duties then were going to have people just flailing threw the system. When I was in 8th grade I remember a student in one of my classes could not read and besides spelling his own name that was pretty much it, I was shocked and upset on exactly how someone without even the basic curriculum from elementary school could have made it all the way to the 8th grade without being about to read or write.

The Curriculum:
Some of the things being taught are so dated and honestly serve no value Algebra for instance is one of the most baffling subjects do-to the fact that once your out of school the things you learned from this subject almost 'never' come into use. Certain subjects should be bumped up and become either 'optional' high school classes or college coarse such as 'War' however we do need to learn more about current events and politics there are certain things that people just expect us to auto-magically(got that from a car insurance commercial) know.

When we hit 18 they just expect us to do our part and vote but in school your not taught enough about the political parties to grow your own standing that hasn't been pre-programmed into you by family or social moral or demoralization via media or whatever, your just thrown into the fray. Its high time we learn things we can truly benefit from and history that isn't so far before our time its irrelevant.

The Environment:
Schools have turned into social clubs, he said she said and red carpet runways. Overall I'm against uniforms but I think there should be a stricter dress code, cell phone usage should not even be an issue but it is their should be harsher circumstances from being caught threw-out the day with one their another senseless distraction that can clearly wait till the end of the school day, being caught smoking, drinking or doing any other illegal things should be dealt with the harshest of the schools abilities on the tv shows and movies these incidents are downplayed unbelievably but the reality is by letting them off easy time and time again were basically condoning them doing it int he first place.

Balanced Discipline:
One of the problems I noticed in my last year of high school were how unbalanced disciplinary action was handled, we had the Principle who was much to light on offenders and the assistant Principle who was basically impossible to deal with. I seen some crazy things go on(and not just with the students) that year with either extreme or non-existent repercussions. Fair and completely appropriate is what needs to be played out.

Pay the damn teachers what they deserve they are over worked and underpaid and that unfortunately goes to both the bad and the good ones, I can see how it could effect ones ability todo their job effectively & enjoyably if they are not paid appropriately.

To bring it all to a close we need better teachers, teachers who enjoy their job sonority shouldn't mean shit if the teacher sucks at hes/her job and can be replaced with someone who can actually make a difference, the schools themselves need to cater most to the education itself without allowing all outside superficiality to be apart of their school structure things that have no business being in the school have no business being in the school and the students need to learn whats relevant to their time surroundings and events.


(Shout out to Ms. Miller, Mrs. Case, Mrs. Mason, Ms. Withraw, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Stanger, Mrs Stevens. Mrs Gould & Mrs Van Gordon there all fantastic teachers!)

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