Monday, February 28, 2011

The Overrated Tablet Craze & Why Its Just Not Worth It

Since Apple introduced the iPad, the tablet craze as really taken off the media loves em, people want em their a runaway hit. Now everyone and their mother is jumping on the craze and making tablet computers.

The problem with these devices is that they cost more than a moderately decent laptop staked with features and have half of the power, they guzzle energy and their outdated within 12 months of release. Another issue is with the company’s taking simple features like copying and pasting and withholding them for a big firmware update so everyone gets excited about a feature even the Nokia N-Gage could do.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Britney Uses Body Double In New "Hold It Against Me" Music video.

Yesterday the video to Britney's #1 song Hold It Against Me was released, prior to its release rumors circulated that she used a body double to film her dance scenes, her people denied the allegation and stated the body double was only used to film a fight scene where she fights herself.

After viewing the video I couldn't help but feel like I  was watching something in fast forward it cut rapidly through scenes, transitioning from one shot to another, camera angles switching continuously. The hype around the video stems from her people making it seem as though

Monday, February 14, 2011

Replacing Gawker Blogs

Gawker, owner of some of my favorite blogs such as Gizmodo, iO9, Kotaku and Lifehacker. Has recently gone through a very serious site redesign, that, to to put lightly is complete garbage, I couldn't believe what I was seeing when the first of Gawker's sites got the overhaul. It was terrible I was repulsed I decided that it just wasn't for me I couldn't possibly understand how designers thought that that that layout could ever be a legitimate success.

Next thing I know all of my favorite Gawker blogs had the redesign, I was especially disappointed with Kotaku and Gizmodo I was really hoping those two blogs could supersede the decision, sadly they could not or did not. Aside from that fact that the articles on Gizmodo and Kotaku had been getting quite ridiculous and  redundant in terms of what their blogs are meant for, the redesign sent me over the edge  and I was forced to delete them from my bookmarks

That meant I was out of four of my favorite blogs and their content, but after searching deep into the depths of the interwebs I was able to come up with replacements I can 100% stand behind, Ill never need to look back.

Here are my top Replacement for the following gawker sites.

Kotaku ----> Evil Avatar: While its not as full of life as Classic Kotaku and its not as vivid or simplistic its a very good replacement under the circumstances, its up to date and theres numerous daily posts.

Gizmodo  ----> Engadget: its the ideal replacement by all means, Ive known of this site for years and before I grew uber fond of Gizmodo I visited this. When Gizmodo became unbearable I knew exactly where to go.

LifeHacker  ---->  Software News Daily & Hack A Day: I couldn't quite find the singular equivalent to Life Hacker but I found two separate sites that do a pretty decent job separately.

iO9 ----> Geekologie: Not as fresh and ambitious but it gets the job done quite well.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Worst TV comedies (Currently on the Air)

NBC has really been upping their game in the comedy division but sadly that cant be said for the other networks

Heres a rundown on the best of the Worst

Better With You (ABC):  While ABC excels with their comedy lineup for the most part with The Middle, Modern Family and now Mr. Sunshine, this show has terrible 90's sitcom ALL OVER IT, its everything wrong with comedy. The laugh track, the bad acting, the incredibly mediocre dialogue and punchlines. Its sad to see the old lady from That 70's Show come down to this level, least she jumped a couple decades, I guess?

The Year of Ultimately Bad Comedies

2010 was one of the worst years for comedies at the movies, it was an overall bad year but the genre of humor suffered the worst. Heres a rundown on the awesomely bad comedies 2010 had to offer.

The Other Guys: Will Ferell, enough said. But I gave this movie a shot anyways mainly because the trailers misled me to thinking that Samuel Jacksons and Dwayne Johnson would be regulars. They were not and the brief time they were part of the movie was the only time the movie was enjoyable. Once they were gone so was the humor.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Favorite Movies of 2010

 I found this in my blogger drafts dated Dec 23rd, I figured I go ahead and finish and post it.

My favorite movies of 2010 in no particular order.

The Social Network: This movie was definitely good is it worth an academy award I don't think so, but it is damn good and it may make you look at Facebook in a while other way after watching. The way Mark screws over his best friend is seriously depressing!

The Grammy's

The Grammy's has always been the premiere music related event in the industry, its what everyone strives for its the pedastool placement, once you've got a Grammy you've proven yourself.

Over the past few years the Grammy's has been a bunch of political vomit, they want viewers  and they take favorites. This year Justin Bieber is nominated for

My Sense Of Humor

My sense of humor seems to be changing, while overall I still find  my old reliables funny I'm noticing I'm getting more into smart witty humor that doesn't rely so much on blatant raunchiness.  My favorites once included South Park, Family Guy, Two And A Half Men, movies like Scary Movie.