Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Favorite Movies of 2010

 I found this in my blogger drafts dated Dec 23rd, I figured I go ahead and finish and post it.

My favorite movies of 2010 in no particular order.

The Social Network: This movie was definitely good is it worth an academy award I don't think so, but it is damn good and it may make you look at Facebook in a while other way after watching. The way Mark screws over his best friend is seriously depressing!

Scott Pilgrim vs The World: To me it was an unexpected hit, I went in expectinf nothing and came out completely shocked at just how awesome this movie is, the movie is shot like an cartoon, features some of the best music around and has epic and different fight scenes (that make "Dragon Ball Evolution" and "The Last Air-bender" seem to suck more than they already do)! Throw in nerdy game references & an awesome cast and this movie is a complete win!

Kick-Ass: We have all wondered at some time in our childhood or later~ why there weren't any super heroes why there weren't any real world Batman's and for the most part, this movie shows why not. Because real criminals kill... and so do the vigilante's (THE CRIMINALS ANYWAYS) LOL. The movie is funny and as certain realist elements to it all to make it all seem believable and that bad-ass little girl needs her own freaking spin off cause she stole the show!

Toy Story 3: This movie is everything you want from a good animated movie and its done sharply with diamond like precision, its a bit of a coming of age story and seeing Andy give up all his toys but reluctant to give up that one favorite, Woody, brought back memories of my own childhood. Disney & Pixtar set the bar with the original Toy Story and with Toy Story 3 they have set it even further. This is an all-time classic!

Frozen: This movie was pretty crazy, imagine you and your friends get stuck in one of those sky high transfer cart things at some ski resort and the employees just happen to forget about you being up there , now imagine the place is shutting down for the week so your there wont be help, crazy right? Its insane, tragic and frustration but in a good way. The movie starts out slow but once it grabs you your in for good.

The Crazies: I love my zombie-style horror and this one did a pretty good job, its no Zombieland but its decent, there are a few moments that leave you LOLing and gasping but all-in-all its pretty nice take on the genre, though one could argue its been done before, this was done better (Sorry Quarantine.

Youth In Revolt: This movie while slow, makes up for some otherwise dull moments with some super intelligent dialogue and a very different, if not very drastic, take on a teen love story.

Easy A, a smart high school movie? Well it is and the lead actress really shines, shes on the come up and this movie  is a great begging road for what will be a long career ahead.

Barry Munday, a very very interesting take on romantic comedies, the movie had heart and it was refreshing just seeing this role of a guy actually wanting to be part of his childs life without going through all the Maury Povich style denial

Honorable mentions

The Karats Kid

Date Night

Why Did I Get Married Too

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